Pause to Ponder

Strong in Song

Wednesday is often practice day for our group Strong in Song. Together we rejoice in the marvelous way music unites our one small voice with others in God’s larger song of life.
Members from left to right: Gary Streeter, Kelly Stiles, Ron Buss, Jerry O’Neill, and Dena McNeel

In honor of National Poetry Month and the poem from which our group drew its name:

My One Small Voice

Mine is one small voice
Strong in Song that stirs
the world to dancing

Whether a place
of solitude and beauty,
isolation, or despair,

Mine is one small voice
Strong in the song always there
young, old, and ageless

Sounding like a song,
reading like the ancient story
This, my one small voice

Harmonizing with the source of life,
dancing in the oldest form
This, my oneness with God

From Called to be Alive!

Symbols of Eternity

Wonderful picture taken by Terry Hjorten! 

This year has been an especially beautiful Daffodil Cross experience at Pioneer. What a thrill  to see how this annual event since 1943 has touched  so many hearts in the community again this year! 

Terry’s photo captures beautifully these exquisite symbols of eternity. 

“May the circle be unbroken, by and by, Lord, by and by.”

Daffodil Cross

Wonderful turnout this morning for the Daffodil Cross!

Moments after the cross was complete, project organizer, Denny Holmes, said with a big smile,
“When I saw everyone show up with the blooms and weather so beautiful, I almost cried. The Lord was with us.”

Amen, Denny!
The Lord is with us!
He is risen indeed!

Koa Bear

“Koa Bear” and I instantly bonded when he arrived late yesterday afternoon.

The koa wood baritone ukulele will be helping me lead worship this Sunday. Our church group Strong in Song is also gearing up for a concert at a local Memory Care Facility. Koa Bear will have a big part in the set of songs we’re planning to share with the residents.

A big thanks to the amazing crew at Mele Ukulele on Maui for their beautiful instruments helping musicians stir hearts and create community all around the world.



On this MLK Day
Let us be mindful of the crucial work of social justice that must come by way of our own heartfelt willingness to walk and give voice to the power of non-violence revealed in Jesus Christ.

Join me today in prayer that day by day our contemplation and action be grounded in God’s Spirit of peace no one can give or take away.

Pastor Jerry

In a Now-deep Sense of Belonging

Word is out
a child has come,
and the child in us is born

From this now-deep sense of belonging
comes the joyous gift of being

In Love’s vast blast
attention is given to the young and the old
to the least, lost, and last

With flow of divine favor and by inclusive call,
I Am in us enlivened, to love and care for all

Retelling the birth of Christ stirs the child in us with a burst of astonishment at our own existence and purpose for being. With every child born comes a deep sense of belonging and a resonance of the divine I Am is amplified.

By what generous act will I Am be made known in your life today?

—Pastor Jerry

Merry Christmas!

Reflecting on the year 2023 this Christmas we find ourselves amazed at the God-given potential entrusted to us to be God-bears and like Mary, able not by words of willingness alone, but by full embodiment and real engagement in the lives of those around us.

Be it with family, friends, neighbors, fellow participants in our faith community, or perfect strangers, making the love of God known through meaningful engagement in their lives is the best Christmas gift we will ever have to offer.

Social media, FaceTime, and Zoom have been wonderful tools for staying in touch with others in the ups and downs throughout the year, but it’s been the opportunities we’ve had in life and ministry to be in direct, personal and trusted relationships that has been the best Christmas gift we could ask for.

Thank you for staying in touch and supporting Pioneer’s life and ministry that we all may be bearers of Good News this Christmas and throughout the New Year!

When We Are Thankful

Pioneer member Bob McEwan celebrated his 101st birthday this month. So, into his humble abode he invited us all- family, friends, neighbors, and me.

He stoked a fire in his living room and in its warmth we shared stories of faith, hard work, adventure, and the gift of life.

This remarkable centenarian, called to be alive all the days of his life, shares abundance over lack. He champions confidence over insecurity. Indeed, with thankfulness now more than ever, Bob shares faith, hope and most of all—love.

Thankful for Our Fellowship in Christ

In this season of giving thanks
for so much, so much, so much…

I am grateful for a fellowship
of family and friends
that through time and space transcends

For a warm, bright circle of soul companions
who on earth and in heaven
are all hearts as one beating

For the gift of life shared
in love and aliveness
forever together, safe in God’s keeping

“Thankful to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in my prayers.”
(1 Thessalonians 1:2)