
“Happy are those whom you choose and bring near to live in your courts. 

We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, your holy temple.”

                                                                           Psalms 65:4

Dear Pioneer Members and Friends,

We have had a growing number of visitors come to worship these days and I hear them say these kinds of things time and again: 

“Pioneer is such a welcoming place.”

“People reached out to greet me as soon as I arrived.”

“I’ve been made to feel right at home.”

Many of you have had the privilege of meeting regularly at Pioneer for years and are likely to agree with what our newcomers are saying.  So, let me suggest we pause for a moment and ponder what this good thing that is happening at Pioneer really is.  The Psalm passage above will help us as we consider the true nature of the fellowship so many of us enjoy.


The Psalm writer makes it clear that it is God who draws us into relationship for the purpose of satisfying what our soul yearns for most—meaningful, personal, and life-giving connection.  That each of us makes a point to help Pioneer be a welcoming place of life and ministry together no doubt makes a big difference.  That each of us make a point to call this good thing that is happening in our fellowship at Pioneer not just our own thing but a “God thing” is what will keep Pioneer’s extraordinarily warm and satisfying fellowship a sure thing each and every Sunday throughout the year.

Goodness, the Psalm writer declares, is assured for those who gather together in the house of the Lord.  God’s house is wherever people gather with God.  Relationship is the heart and being of God who, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a lively, friendly, life-giving community.  The relationship of the Holy Trinity draws us into holy relationships as well.  Each Sunday we offer up a witness to a God who is known, loved and made available through the relationships we, by God’s grace, create and nurture on God’s behalf.  By the friendly environment we offer at Pioneer God is able to provide inner peace and acceptance that satisfies the soul, generating true and lasting happiness for both new comers and old timers alike.

That we have God’s ongoing promise to bring blessings upon those who gather in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is what makes the joy of our Christian fellowship complete.   After all, we are human with ups and downs that play out in our relationships with each other.  But God’s love and friendship is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Our experience of fellowship at Pioneer may vary some from week to week, but the joy and delight of the Lord we share with one another will always be present bringing us friendship and happiness that will endure.

In loving fellowship,

Pastor Jerry

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