In the Spirit

Pentecost Sunday, which lands on May 19th this year, marks the fiftieth day after Easter when we gather to celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on followers of Jesus Christ.

Crossing all boundaries that would separate us, breaking down all language barriers, the Spirit brings the wideness of God’s love and mercy to places of loss, doubt, and fear in our daily lives. The Holy Spirit enlarges and empowers us to live and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in new and surprising ways beyond our wildest expectations.

This Pentecost season may we be open to receive a fresh stirring of the Spirit. Together in worship each week let us rejoice and in a variety of ways cheer: “We’ve got the Spirit! Yes, we do! We’ve got the Spirit! How about you?” Then blessed by the Spirit let us disperse to share the fullness of Christ’s love in simple words and gentle acts of kindness, a language all will understand.